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I've made mistakes in my life. I've let people take advantage of me, and I accepted way less than I deserve. But, I've learned from my bad choices and even though there are some things I can never get back and people who will never be sorry, I'll know better next time and I won't settle for anything less than I deserve.

Wednesday Weirdness

1. How often do you talk to your siblings?
+ Very often.

2. How well do you deal when given an ultimatum?
+ Uh ah! I will do things when I feel like doing it. Give me time!

3. Have you ever dated someone or had a lover who had an emotional or mental disorder?
+ No! straight face

4. How do you feel about crossdressing?
+ It's Fun! Hubby wouldn't mind doing it to please me privately. LOL! kiss

5. Have you ever lied about the number of sexual partners you have had to someone? Why?
+ Me! No I wouldn't lie to Hubby.

6. Does your significant other have the same political and religious views that you do? How often do you discuss politics and religion with them?
+ We don't discuss stuffs like that! It's a waste of time. We better talk things with sense that we can both relate.

7. What sport, if any, do you find to be most boring?
+ Swimming! It's boring specially when you don't know how to swim like me. LOL!whew

8. Have you ever honestly peed in the pool?
+ Many times! LOL! blehh

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